Google and Amazon PMs on learning Technical skills
"Error 404" and "500" are the most popular status codes every Product manager encounters while testing products. I was asked to differentiate API status codes in 2 PM interviews with different companies.
Popular API request status codes
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This is another Technical product manager lesson you can apply this week. There are 5 major status codes
1XX - Informational status codes
2XX- Success status codes
3XX- Redirection status codes
4XX- Client error status codes
5XX- Server error status codes
Let’s learn about each in detail
1. 1XX -Informational status codes
These codes indicate that the server has received the request and is processing it. They are primarily used to manage communication between the client and server during the early stages of a request-response cycle. Some examples of this type of code are:
Use Cases:
Google Search: When you search, the server may initially respond with a 1XX status as it processes the request.
Facebook: While uploading large media files, a 1XX status indicates the server is ready for the file to continue uploading.
Status codes
100 Continue: This status code indicates that the initial part of the request has been received and the server would like the client to send the rest of it.
101 Switching Protocols: This status code is used to inform the client that the server is changing the protocol that is being used in the connection.
102 Processing: This status code is an interim response that indicates the server is still processing the request.
2. 2XX - Success status codes
These codes indicate that the client’s request was successfully received, understood, and processed by the server.
Use Cases:
- Spotify: When you successfully load a playlist, a 2XX code confirms the data was fetched properly.
- Amazon: When you complete a purchase, a 2XX response indicates the order was processed successfully.
Status codes
200 OK: This status code indicates that the request was successful, and the server returned the requested data.
201 Created: This status code means that the request was successful, and the server created a new resource.
204 No Content: This status code indicates that the request was successful, but the server did not return any data.
Popular API request status codes
3. 3XX - Redirection status codes
These codes signify the request needs to be redirected to another resource. They indicate that the client needs to take additional actions to fulfill the request.
Use Cases:
- Google: When you search, if a result redirects to a different URL, a 3XX code indicates this transition.
- Twitter: If a shortened URL leads to another website, a 3XX code handles the redirection.
Status codes
301 Moved Permanently: This status code indicates that the requested resource has been permanently moved to a new URL. Clients should respond by updating their bookmarks and links to point to the new URL, and search engines should update their indexes with the new location.
303 See Other: This status code indicates that the response is available at a different URL, and the client should perform a GET request to that URL to retrieve the resource.
4. 4XX - Client Error status codes
These codes indicate that there was an issue with the client’s request, such as a mistyped URL or invalid credentials. They signify the server couldn't understand the request due to client error.
Use Cases:
- Instagram: When you try to upload a corrupted image, a 4XX code signals a faulty request..
- LinkedIn: If a form field is missing or invalid when submitting a connection request, you’ll see a 4XX error.
Status codes:
400 Bad Request: This status code indicates that the request was malformed or invalid.
401 Unauthorized: This status code lets the client know that it is not authorized to access the requested resource.
403 Forbidden: This status code communicates that the client is authenticated but not authorized to access the requested resource.
404 Not Found: This status code indicates that the requested resource was not found on the server.
5. 5XX - Server Error status codes
These codes indicate that the server encountered an error while trying to fulfill the client’s request
Use Cases:
- Netflix: When their servers are down or overloaded, a 5XX error might show up, affecting video streaming.
- Uber: During heavy traffic or server issues, the app may throw a 5XX error, preventing bookings.
Status codes
500 Internal Server Error: This generic error code indicates the server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.
502 Bad Gateway: This status code indicates that a server acting as a gateway or proxy received an invalid response from an upstream server.
503 Service Unavailable: This status code is returned when the server is temporarily unable to handle the request. It’s often seen during periods of increased traffic or when the server is undergoing maintenance.
Popular API request status codes
That’s it for today. See you next week!
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Free Resources:
Introduction to API product management by Paypal Product leader
Importance of Tech skills by Salesforce PM
What does it mean to be a Technical Prod Manager by Nike PM
What does it mean to be AI Product Manager by Amazon PM